A Must Read

The Cosmic Mechanix begin their adventure on Earth in 2492 AD, embarking on ‘The Grand Trine Tour’ during a planetary alignment. As they journey toward Neptune, they navigate the pitfalls of space travel, encountering rock stardom and a horrifying life-form. Get ready to soar across the Milky Way on a rock and roll journey where great expectations meet stark reality.

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The Trilogy Continues: Water Witch

The hero of First Contact is under attack but now prepared for battle. By drawing on his experience as a soldier he escapes a surprise attack by the Ziz on Neptune Rail and goes home to Texas to re-group. There, he finds his water power deep underground with the help of one of the aliens he has sworn to destroy.

To be Continued…

Latest Release: Can a rockstar save the Universe?

Book 3 of The Deepening series answers all the questions and mysteries raised in Books 1 & 2. Our hero, with the help of a young, ragtag group of teenagers battles a government under the influence of aliens and the king of the Ziz themselves. In a dramatic ending, Mercy, Jon’s wife, gives birth in a cave to the next episode of The Deepening!

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